Who We Are
Softil, formerly RADVISION Technology Business Unit, is the world’s leading provider of enabling technologies for developers of IP communications. Serving 800+ customers, enterprises worldwide rely on Softil’s solutions as the powerhouse behind their communications.
What We Do
Softil provides enabling technologies for developers of IP communications that are used in today’s Enterprise, IMS/VoLTE, and Mission Critical Communication industries.
Our award-winning suite of Protocol Stacks, including IMS Diameter, SIP and H.323, provide the core technology behind rich media applications and products for the communications industry, and greatly simplifies the development of all types of VoIP and 3G/LTE multimedia applications and services.
Our market-leading MCX BEEHD Framework offers Mission Critical Communication solutions where conventional networks can’t meet the required demands, providing Mission Critical Push-to-Talk (MCPTT), Mission Critical Video (MCVideo), Mission Critical Data (MCData), Voice over LTE (VoLTE) and Video over LTE (ViLTE), instant imagery and file sharing, presence and group communications, and more. The BEEHD is a cross-platform client SDK designed for chipset vendors, device manufacturers, system integrators, application developers and service providers looking to accelerate the development of IP-based VoLTE and ViLTE for mission-critical applications. It has intuitive, flexible APIs that developers can use to quickly implement applications while meeting the requirements of Public-Safety critical communications.
In keeping with a decades-long tradition, Softil contributes to the development of communication standards — H.323, SIP, IMS, MSRP, ICE, VoLTE, ViLTE, and 3GPP/MCPTT/MCPTX for Mission Critical Communication over LTE – and participates in all relevant interoperability events, such as SIPiT, IMTC SuperOp!, and ETSI MCPTT/MCX Plugtest events.
Our History
Softil was created in 1995 as the Technology Business Unit (TBU) of RADVISION, a leader in the revolution of communications through standardization and delivery of Voice and Video over IP (V2oIP) enabling technologies to vendors around the world. The TBU pioneered V2oIP with a range of embedded technologies, combining unique expertise in signaling, multimedia and IMS. Its award-winning Protocol Stacks provided the core technology behind rich media applications and products for the communications industry and facilitated the development of VoIP and 3G/LTE multimedia applications and services.
In addition, the Technology Business Unit provided Frameworks, such as its award-winning BEEHD Video Communications Client Framework for enterprise video communication, a complete Framework that enables Service Providers, application developers and device manufacturers to launch customizable IMS-compliant VoLTE/RCS services for Android, iOS, Windows, or MAC OS-based devices.
In 2012, RADVISION was acquired by Avaya. Spirent Communications, a global provider of test and measurement solutions, acquired the TBU from Avaya and formed the Spirent Developer Tools (DT) Business Unit. In 2017, the business unit became Softil, Ltd., after a management buyout by the BU’s General Manager, Pierre Hagendorf who is today the CEO of Softil.