
Softil News

Advancing Public Safety Communications, Systel’s ESN Control Rooms Becoming 3GPP MCX-Capable through Softil’s Enabling Technology

UK’s Home Office demands standards-based mission-critical capability for all ESN communications control room solutions; next generation mobile broadband communications becoming the defining heartbeat of emergency services

Aytre (France) and Tel Aviv, August 31, 2021 — In a drive to enhance public safety agency communications, SYSTEL (Systèmes & Télécommunications SA), a French and UK  based provider of communications systems and products to civil security forces, and the world’s leading mission-critical communications (MCX/MCC) solutions enabler Softil, today jointly announce that Softil’s BEEHD technology will be used to upgrade Systel’s control room solutions to connect to the ESN’s MCX network.

The next generation 3GPP compliant solutions are destined for use by first responders (ambulance, fire and police agencies) in Britain’s new Emergency Service Network critical communications system (ESN).

“Systel aims to provide Britain’s civil security agencies with the most advanced MCX-enabled control room systems possible,” says Nicolas Bottero, Systel’s CEO. “We chose Softil’s MCX-enabling technology to quickly and easily develop and subsequently deploy our next generation operational control room solutions in the shortest timeframe and at least development cost.”

Pierre Hagendorf, Softil’s CEO, comments, “The ESN network will ultimately see a plethora of MCX systems and devices being used by first responder agencies and users and it is essential that all are 3GPP standards compliant and hence interoperable. Systel’s control room solutions will quickly become 3GPP compliant and interoperable with the ESN network using Softil’s BEEHD MCX-enabling technology.”

He adds: “Softil’s development team is now working closely with Systel’s to ensure the fastest possible deployment of Systel’s upgrade to their control rooms on the ESN network.”

The UK’s Home Office is leading a cross-government programme to deliver the new Emergency Services Network (ESN) critical communications system. This will replace the current Airwave service used by the emergency services in Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland) and transform how they operate.

Based on 3GPP mission-critical communications standards,  ESN, powered by Motorola MCX servers, will transmit fast, safe and secure voice, video and data across the 4G  network and give first responders immediate access to life-saving data, images and information in live situations and emergencies on the frontline.

There are 300,000 frontline emergency service users who will depend on ESN, using handheld devices or operating equipment in 45,000 vehicles, 66 aircraft and more than 100 control rooms.

Softil’s technology is fully interoperable with the current ESN MCX network delivering full Push-to-talk (MCPTT), data messaging and location management capabilities. This will also provide a platform for the delivery of future enhancements such as video and file transfer.

Softil’s BEEHD is a 3GPP MCX Release 16 standard-compliant cross-platform framework (SDK) designed for developers and manufacturers of handheld and ruggedized devices, MCX/LMR gateways, dispatch consoles, recording solutions and train/metro communication equipment. BEEHD technology is also destined for system integrators, MCX application developers and service providers looking to accelerate the development of IP-based mission-critical voice and video over LTE and 5G (MCPTT, MCVideo, MCData) solutions for first responders, utilities, mining, transportation and more.

LTE and 5G offer broadband mobile connectivity that keeps evolving, allowing more freedom and flexibility to deliver data and video which TETRA or P25 based networks can only deliver in very limited fashion. Mobile operators, mobile device manufacturers and application developers can now offer enhanced MCX communication tools as help to first responders in their battle to save lives.


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