MCX Case Studies

Enabling the Mission-Critical Communications Revolution

In the world of technology, there are those who come first.

They take on all the risk any new technology brings with it; they lead the way while paving it for others. Softil has a legacy of taking such risks since its inception in the early 1990s,  developing technologies to enable videoconferencing over IP networks – first proprietary, then using standard H.323 and later, SIP. These technologies were developed well before the industry widely adopted them. Ever since then, Softil has continued to spearhead the industry in investing in new standard IP communication technologies that have been introduced along the years. This experience is the foundation to serve the industry as developers need mature enabling technologies when starting to build their standards-compliant products.

For almost 90 years, two-way radio has been the communication tool of choice for first responders, making group voice communications the key element of any emergency response. However, in today’s ubiquitously connected world, communication has become so much more than just voice, with high-definition interactive video, maps, instant messaging and file exchanges becoming the norm anywhere, everywhere, and for everyone – except for first responders…

With the help of the latest 3GPP mission-critical communications (MCX) standards, the organization behind all standard mobile communications in the world, the same rich communication capabilities are now available to governments and public safety agencies, as well as police, firefighters, medics, railways, transportation, utilities, mining, and anyone else relying on fail-safe, ubiquitous group communications in their daily work.

While transition from narrowband (radio) communications to broadband (MCX) can be called an evolution, the paradigm shift of embracing broadband capabilities in the daily communications of first responders is nothing short of revolutionary.

We are delighted to share with you in this EBook the successes of some companies leading this revolutionary change in mission-critical communications enabling a better world for everyone. By harnessing Softil’s unique BEEHD MCX enabling technology to develop their mission-critical communications solutions, these companies are providing governments, public services, emergency agencies, railways and utilities around the world with best-in-breed products and services that will help all to better undertake their daily tasks, improve productivity and help save lives.

As the world’s leading enabler of IP Communications in general as well as mission-critical communications solutions, Softil’s mission is to help vendors across the globe to succeed in the MCX revolution. This EBook demonstrates  the decision process of the companies choosing BEEHD as the base for their MCX development and  how the world’s mission-critical communications leaders use its market-proven capabilities to develop and deliver their high-quality, highly interoperable, resilient, and secure MCX multimedia communications solutions on time and on budget.

We look forward to you joining the MCX revolution and to working with you.


Pierre Hagendorf

CEO, Softil


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