Softil News

Japan Now Ready to Embrace the MCX Revolution!

The adoption of disruptive MCX technology is imminent in the land of the rising sun and Softil’s enabling technology will help the country’s technology companies to reap the benefits says Akio Ogiso, Softil’s Business Development Director for Japan

According to the Government of Japan, “Technology and innovation are a foundation of Japan’s competitive edge. Innovative technologies and ideas are changing the way people live, and contribute to the world.”

When it comes to the projected annual $26 billion mission-critical communications (MCX) industry, Japan’s technology companies are now poised to help first responder agencies (fire, ambulance, police) across the country to work better and save more lives through the applied use of smart MCX technology and equipment.

Japan has long been a global leader in mobile communications. Its landmark innovations include the first commercial mobile browser-based web service, the first mobile email, and the first handsets with cameras. This culture of innovation created a thriving ecosystem and fueled the successful expansion of Japanese industry.

Japan’s networks are now looking to begin the next technology journey following other disruptive innovations such as 5G and the Internet of Things (IoT).

So what is behind Japan’s imminent adoption of MCX technology?

Akio Ogiso, Softil’s Business Development Director for Japan, points to the answer: “Japan’s critical infrastructures have long been based on the traditional technologies of a few companies. For example, Japan’s railroads – possibly the best in the world- use old communication technology to support it but can now be enhanced through the adoption of MCX technology.”

He cites other South East Asian countries such as South Korea that are now gaining from MCX technology through MCX-enabled control rooms and the always-connected smart, ruggedized handsets of drivers in trains travelling at speeds in excess of 250 kmph.

 “Japan’s energy sector can also benefit from MCX technologies and critical infrastructure companies can achieve higher operational efficiencies and lower energy costs to consumers through MCX technology,” adds Ogiso.

 New Revenue Streams  

According to Market Research Future (MRFR), the global mission critical communication market is projected to reach an approximate valuation of USD 26.66 billion by 2025, growing at a 10.5% CAGR over the period 2019-2025.

The main MCX benefits will be the public service, aerospace and defense, railways, energy and the automotive industries. The huge demand for MCX technology from handheld and ruggedized device manufacturers, MCX/LMR gateways vendors , dispatch and command and control consoles, recording solutions and train/metro communication equipment will also push market growth.

And then the rising uptake of cross-platform client frameworks to develop IP-based mission-critical voice and video communications over LTE (VoLTE and ViLTE) solutions substantiates the projected market size.

This worldwide demand (driven by US FirstNet, UK ESN, South Korea SafeNet, and more) creates a unique opportunity also for Japanese communication solution vendors not only to sell locally, but also to offer their solutions to countries worldwide where MCX is already a reality (SK, US, UK, EU and many more).

Nationwide introduction program

Softil is already supplying IP communication technologies to key Japanese vendors including Fujitsu, Hitachi, Iwatsu Electric, Panasonic, SONY and many others.

Softil’s Ogiso is now leading a new nationwide MCX introduction program for Japan’s technology companies supplying mobile communications equipment for its internal and external markets. This program highlights how Japanese companies can quickly compete with their global competitors through the adoption of Softil’s enabling MCX software development kit called BEEHD.

Softil’s BEEHD is a 3GPP MCX Release 16 standard-compliant cross-platform framework (SDK) designed for developers and manufacturers of handheld and ruggedized devices, MCX/LMR gateways, dispatch consoles, recording solutions and train/metro/FRMCS communication equipment. BEEHD technology is also destined for system integrators, MCX application developers and service providers looking to accelerate the development of IP-based mission-critical voice and video over LTE and 5G (MCPTT, MCVideo, MCData) solutions for first responders, utilities, mining, transportation and more.

Many leading innovators around the world have chosen to work with Softil – here you can read some of the stories: Siemens Mobility, Capita, Hanswell, Daeyoun. Japan’s technology companies, such as handheld, dual-mode and in-vehicle device manufacturers, private LTE solution providers, control room vendors – can generate new revenue streams by joining the MCX revolution in the shortest timeframe. Time is of the essence.

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Softil日本担当ビジネスデベロップメント責任者、小木曽 明夫。







Softilの日本担当ビジネスデベロップメント責任者、小木曽 明夫は次のように述べています。




… 新たな収益源  

Market Research Future(MRFR)によると、全世界のミッションクリティカルな通信市場は2025年までに約266億6千米ドルに達することが予想されています。これは2019年~2025年で10.5%のCAGR(年平均成長率)達成を意味します。


IPベースのミッションクリティカルなVoLTEおよびViLTE(voice and video communications over LTE)ソリューションを開発するために、クロスプラットフォームのクライアントフレームワークを導入する動きが加速していることも潜在的な市場規模の大きさを示しています。





SoftilのBEEHDは3GPP MCX Release 16標準に準拠したクロスプラットフォームフレームワーク(SDK)で、耐久性が強化されたハンドヘルド型デバイス、MCX/LMRゲートウェイ、記録ソリューション、列車/地下鉄用通信機器の開発者やメーカーによる、アプリケーション開発プラットフォームとしての利用を想定しています。BEEHDテクノロジーは初期対応機関、ユーティリティ、採掘、輸送用のミッションクリティカルなvoice and video over LTE/5G(MCPTT、MCVideo、MCData)ソリューションの開発を加速しようとしているシステムインテグレータ、MCXアプリケーション開発者、サービスプロバイダなどにも適しています。

Siemens MobilityCapitaHanswellDaeyounなど、Softilを採用している世界中の革新的な企業と同様に、ハンドヘルド型、デュアルモード、車載用のデバイスメーカー、プライベートLTEソリューションプロバイダ、制御室ベンダーなど、日本のテクノロジー企業もすぐにMCX革命に参加して新たな収益源を得ることができます。スピードが重要です。


Softilはミッションクリティカルな通信製品とサービスのためにIP通信ソリューションを提供しています。SoftilのBEEHDフレームワーク(SDK)は多種多様な3GPP MCXミッションクリティカル通信ソリューション、デバイス、製品やエンタープライズおよびIMS/VoLTE向けのリッチメディアアプリケーションを実現する主要なテクノロジーです。全世界800社以上の大手企業に採用されているSoftilは、標準ベースのシグナリング、マルチメディア、IMSに関する貴重な専門知識を組み合わせることでVoice and Video over IPを他社に先駆けて開発するなど、多数の技術的功績があります。受賞歴のあるSoftilのプロトコルスタックスイートにはIMS、Diameter、SIP、MSRPなどが含まれています。Softilの優れたテクノロジーにより、新製品の開発が容易になり、商品化をスピードアップすることができます。詳細はhttps://www.softil.comをご覧ください。



Sagi Subocki

VP Products & Marketing

Mobile: +972 54 776 9634



Hugh Paterson, CEO

Whoosh PR,

Mobile +44 7465 962446



All trademarks mentioned in this statement are the property of their respective owners.




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