Delivering a technology outlook for 2020 might prove to be more difficult this year as just the year itself, 2020, begs 20/20 perfect vision. What we do know with reasonable certainty
Siemens Mobility Ltd Chooses Softil’s Client Software for Next Generation of LTE-R Train Communications Solutions
Siemens Mobility adopts Softil’s BEEHD client framework to bring best-of-breed mission critical communications solutions to LTE-R rail networks; solutions will also support
2018 Saw Softil Kick Start the Smart MCX Revolution
Leading IP communications enabler Softil today releases its annual review of past year operations for the Mission Critical Communications (MCC or MCX) industry. Highlights of the year 2018
2019 Outlook For Mission Critical Communications and Services Over LTE and 5G
Leading IP communications enabler Softil today releases its Outlook 2019 for the industry via The Fast Mode. For Softil, enabling Mission Critical Communications
Softil Joins PSTA to Help Drive Interoperability of Next Generation First Responder Tools
Mission-critical communications (MCC) enabler Softil today announces that it is joining the Public Safety Technology Alliance (PSTA) as a Platinum member to
Daeyoun Selects Softil Technology for New Line of MCC Terminals
Telecommunication terminals and signal control system upgrades for Seoul’s metro with new mission-critical communications features will improve operational efficiency and coordination